Friday 25 January 2008

An introduction to the blog that PWNS.

Hello and welcome all to People Who Know Stuff (PWNS).

The idea of this blog is for the people who know stuff to post things they make, do, consider, muse and hypothesise. Will it be useful? Probably not. Will it be interesting? Maybe. Will it contain science? Almost certainly. It will be updated as and when we do something new we consider worthy of telling the world.

The People Who Know Stuff:
So all of our beautiful readers know who you're gaining knowledge from we have each written you an introduction about ourselves. If we find more People Who Know Stuff then they may be added later.


Name: Anthony
Nicknames: Winston, Ant, twerpy
Life currently involves: Studying maths at the University of Bath
Pet hate: Slamming doors. People not washing up my (kitchen) knives
Favourite book: Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Favourite number: 5
Height: 191cm
Hair: Dreads
Planned posts: Various anti door slamming devices, coffee shop catapult, recipes, growing things
Favourite quote: Can we have sex now? No, we're talking about graphs.


Name: Paul
Nicknames: The Bear
Life currently involves: Studying maths at the University of Kent
Pet hate: The human condition, having to walk.
Favourite book: Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynmann/ What Do You Care What Other People Think - R.P Feynmann.
Favourite number: aleph-0.5, which may or may not exist.
Height: Short
Hair: Curled Mess
Planned posts: Cutting out shapes, recipes, things that computers can do, fun facts.
Favourite quote: It's okay if you find this difficult, even the students at Warwick found this difficult.